Overview: Month 1 – Month 18 TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal)

Bella V. is an 11 years old who used over the counter topical steroids a handful occasions up til 9 years old. Used regularly for about 8 months when she was 9 with one 10 day course of tapering Predinisolone. About 7 months into withdrawal, a course of antibiotics to treat a barely present secondary staph infection.

Month 1 (Nov. 2014) – Month 5 (Mar. 2015)
90% Nov./Dec., 80+%raw vegan, 20% cooked vegan (gluten/dairy/egg/corn/goitrogen free)

SKIN: Her skin detoxed Nov 2014 – Jan 2015 with great pain. Skin would bleed, crack, flake and itch. Constant cycle of shedding and breaking. Bed bound the first two months and housebound til the 4th month.

Feb 2015 – Mar 2015 saw steady improvement. Skin was healing more but still shedding.

Month 6 (Apr. 2015) – Month 8 (Jun. 2015)
Went to dermatologist for hair follicle and scalp biopsy. Both tests normal. Antibiotics for the secondary staph found for 10 days. She was losing too much weight so I added organic cage free eggs and wild salmon once each week. 70% raw vegan.

SKIN: Apr – Jun 2015 was a great period of calm where the skin was dry with occasional breaks but mostly it was tolerable. She swam during this period without trouble.

Month 9 (Jul 2015): Paleo diet for 3 weeks in July. Skin was still calm and supple. Slight dryness but no great discomfort.

Month 10 (Aug. 2015) – Month 14 (Dec. 2015)
70% vegan raw, 30% cooked vegan (gluten/dairy/egg/corn/goitrigen free)

SKIN: Aug 2015- Dec 2015 saw the deterioration of the skin. I stopped Paleo at the beginning of August as soon as I saw signs of the skin flaring. This time period has been torture for her. Skin breaks at the arm and leg bends that hinders her from walking, using her arms. She missed school for 5 days due to pain but braved the rest.

Dec. 2015 – 60% vegan raw, 40% cooked vegan.

SKIN: During vacation in FL, 12/15/2015-12/30/2015, Isabella’s skin pain was gone. No shedding and no wounds. Perhaps the humidity helped because the entire vacation was great for her skin. We saw the thick scaly flaky skin come off. The new skin underneath is supple.

Month 15
Jan. 2016 – 60% vegan raw, 40% cooked vegan.

SKIN: Back in Chicago and her skin is hurting again.

Month 16
Feb. 2016 – 70% vegan raw, 30% cooked vegan.

SKIN: Missed school the entire month.

Month 17
Mar. 2016 – 60% vegan raw, 40% cooked vegan.

SKIN: Huge improvement and started school March 7th again. After two weeks in school, the skin has deteriorated and started a cycle of flare again. Cycle through broken skin, wounds, scaly heal, shedding, new skin supple with pain on the lymph behind knees.

Month 18
Apr. 2016 – 60% vegan raw, 40% cooked vegan

SKIN: the cycle continues with the wound, healing, shedding and new skin that hurts.